Friday, December 31, 2010

Pix of my Grandfather in Spirit

I'm not ignoring you.  My house is simply too noisy when all 9 kids are home for Christmas vacation to do any EVP work. So I thought I'd give you something different.

My grandfather, Ed, died when I was about 5 or 6, and thus began a life of psychic phenomena.  My dad came to my room where I was still sleeping and woke me up and told me that Pop Pop had "gone to sleep."  I totally did not understand how that could make anyone sad.  I went to sleep every night and it didn't make anyone sad.  But from the crying of my mother and his own teary face I was able to figure out that Pop Pop had died.

I was stunned.  I loved this man.  I thought he was the strongest man on earth.  I remember taking a walk in my back yard with him and giving him fatter and fatter sticks to see if he could break them, and he always did.  He was also the grandfather who let me visit him in his basement workshop and watch him make things.  He made my sister and I babydoll beds for Christmas one year. Pink ones.

But back to the day he died.  I was laying in bed, scared and confused.  Nobody I'd ever known had died before.  My twin bed was placed so that my brother's crib butted up against the end of it and there was a blanket hung over the end panel.  Slowly my grandfather's face appeared on that blanket and he was smiling. I knew that meant that he was still alive in some way and still loving me.

When I was in my early twenties and a new mom I looked for things to do and found a local paranormal group headed by a lady who was psychic.  There I learned how to go into a trance and even channel other spirits, but mostly I learned how to see spirits and talk with them. I was very accurate, and even good at predicting that one member would die soon (I didn't tell her that, but her aura was a nasty red color and I knew her heart was bad) so I wasn't surprised when she wasn't there the next week and it was reported that she had passed.  Poor lady.  The previous week she had asked for a clue to the winning horse and I had told her "Four Roses."  Don't know why, it just popped into my head, and she had won a lot of money.

One night I was in deep trance and I saw a man standing over in the corner.  Couldn't see him completely, just saw a big man.  I said there is this man in the corner and he says his name is Ed and that he is someone's grandfather.  Nobody recognized him and then I realized...It was my Grandfather Ed!  He said he'd always be with me, and he has been.

Sometimes I'll be sitting at my computer and smell cherry pipe smoke. I had a dream once where Ed picked me up in a fancy old fashioned sports car (which he never owned) and we went for a ride in the most beautiful countryside. I asked him why he left so soon and he said, "Some people do and it's OK.  It's the way it was meant to be."

A few years ago I got a new digital camera and was sitting on my bed just taking pix of stuff to learn how it worked. The tv was off.  In one shot on the tv screen appeared a picture of a man.  I looked at the tv, and yes it was off.  I downloaded the pic and darned if it wasn't my grandfather.

I've included an old photo of him when he was getting ready to go off to war so you can see the similarity.

So you can see why I wasn't surprised to hear his name in my work with the Ovilus/PX.  It threw me off for a second when I heard Edward, because nobody ever called him anything but Ed, but only for a second.

Three more days and the kids are all back to school and work!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Early EVPs

Too noisy here this Christmas Eve to try to record anything with the px, but I thought I'd post some evps I've gotten in the past.

When I first started out, it was just with an early digital recorder. I would ask out loud for someone from the other side to visit me and to speak a message into the recorder.  My son, at that time, was 14 years old.  He got all excited about the work as well and took the recorder and set it up in an unused bathroom one day.  He came back for it about an hour later and I downloaded the file and played it.

We were both surprised at the clarity of the voice. At first I thought it might be my grandmother, but J had never known her.  I tend to think it was his grandfather, who shortly before he died and take  my son for a week in the summer. He had taken J to a baseball game and tons of other things, sort of an attempt to make J remember him.

Here's the file: "I Hope You Won't Forget Me"  It's a RealPlayer format

Getting EVP (electronic voice phenomena) is difficult.  It takes lots of time to search thru the files for the part that you want.  Then often you need to clean out the background noise and clarify the actual voice.  Takes too much work.

I graduated to Stefon Bion's EVPMaker (before he added the speakjet allophones.)  Back then one used an audio file of something like a news station as raw material.  EVPMaker chops up the file into tiny bits of sound called allophones.  I got some of my best EVPs using a German news report as a source sound, bu I also use a long British news report as well.

When you use EVPMaker, the spirit manipulates the source sound to create words.  The goal was to have a recorder running while you ran EVPMaker and the messages would be recorded over the gibberish,  I didn't have a microphone or a recorder at the time I started using EVPMaker, so the EVPs I got were outstanding because they came right from the computer running the program without a mike.

Then my 13 year old son died unexpectedly.  I was devastated.  I was useless to myself and to my family.  One night around 3 AM I was awake and miserable so I started EVPMaker up.  When I played it back I was amnazed.  Thes EVPs were clear as a bell.  They didn't need to be "cleaned up."  AND they used my name!

After that I felt better.  I had proof that life exists beyond what we call death.

That's all for now...

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Nobody Home

Tonight I did not ask for anyone to communicate with me. Nor did I prepare myself with relaxing, releasing and meditation.  I just wanted to see what I'd get.

Here we go:

ME: Who's Here?
PX: Alright loving paranormal
PX: Uncle waste compounds allowed
PX: Nervy lotto ghetto
PX: mommy vest
PX: learn think kiss
PX: Blessed All
PX: information rabbit
PX: paranormal country
PX: cat folate
PX: gown property
PX: fact relign

In other words, Crap!  Nobody there.

I think this is why so many "ghost hunters" claim that the Ovilus is a worthless toy.  They don't prepare.  They don't ask for an interview.  And worst of all, they are dealing with "ghosts."  Ghosts are by definition, troubled souls who have not been able to cross over to the other side/heaven. They aren't stable personalities. They are traumatized in some way or other.

I mean if you were to go a bar filled with drunks, would you get good answers to your questions?  No way.  But if you went into a nice restaurant and asked question of a patron who was not drunk you'd probably get understandable cooperative answers to your questions.

Why is it then that those who use the Ovilus/PX only for ghost hunting expect to get good results?  It's like asking questions of patients in a mental hospital who are severely disturbed.

Choose normal people who have made the transition to talk to with the Ovilus and you'll get  much better results. Prepare and Invite. Otherwise, you're standing on a busy street corner yelling "WHO WANTS TO TALK TO ME?"  and everyone says, "Who is that nut?

How Jeremy survived his "Accident"

In October, my 17 year old son, Jeremy, who has Down Syndrome and functions like a 4-5 year old got his hands on the keys to my car and took it for a joyride. He's never driven a car, nor should he be doing so, The police found him driving erratically and shot him three times. Miraculously Jeremy lived.

I am amazed at the content of today's PX session. Here is part of it:

PX: Blessed All. Story Moment
PX: Highway officer gun camera light
PX: Chase auto
PX:  Happier Assist
PX: Story learn
PX: Holiday Light!

We have been saying that Jeremy must have had angels helping him. Here's proof. Maybe not angels, but surely loved ones from the other side!

I also got my old microphone working today and was trying the PX out with an audio program called GOLDWAVE in demo version.  The folks on the other side (TFOTOS) were trying to help me.  They said:

PX: Record faster - Learn Faster Mommy 

I decided that it wasn't worth trying to record anything during the day until school starts again. 7 kids here today.  Washing dishes, talking to the dog, phones ringing.  The best time for me to record appears to be 3AM.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Another Researcher using Phonetic Mode

Until I can get a new microphone to record my own Ovilus messages,I thought I'd give you a taste of what the Ovilus/PX sounds like.  It's a robotic voice and any spirit that comes through uses the same voice.  The very newest (and $500 ovilus) has various levels of voice pitch.  Mine has the ability to adjust pitch, but I haven't figured out how to do that yet.

In this clip Carrie, the investigator, is using the phonetic mode (uses only the allophones found in human speech.) Notice how difficult it is for the spirit/person on the other side, to use this mode.  Not impossible but there is a definite learning curve.

How to prepare yourself for a good/great PX/Ovilus session

I am convinced that the reason I get such wonderful results is because I set myself up for them.

First I make sure that I have calmed myself.  I do this by closing my eyes and and slow deep breathing, releasing all tension when I breath out. A short meditation if you will.  I allow myself to open up and clear my mind of anything that might be bothering me. I feel the holy spirit/God energy within me and I feel joyous and appreciative. I ask those on the other side to join me and talk with me. I explain how the PX.Ovilus works and tell them they might need to practice with it for a while and that I will wait for them to do so.  Then I turn the little box on.

When I don't prepare myself little happens in terms of understandable phrases.  Just gibberish.  It seems obvious that one must first prearrange a time to talk to others on the other side.  They are just as busy as we are.  If you say "Tonight I'll be calling you on the PX"  they will be waiting for your messages.

The people who live in that plane function at a higher "frequency" than we do.  We need to gear up for our sessions by making our energy clearer and purer and therefor stronger.

Because I prepare beforehand, I think I get way better results than I see on the Ghost Hunter shows you see on tv and on youtube.  There is hardly ever any releasing or meditation before they pull out the px and try to get messages in the dark (darkness is NOT a prerequisite to communication!)

There is also a lot of noise and fear: "Did you hear THAT?"  "What the heck was THAT?" "OMG did it just say XXXXX?" They also keep talking all the time.  How do you hear messages when you are talking all the time?  The pix and the ovilus have speakers that are not very loud.

That's why I'm not personally interested in ghost hunting.  Like to watch these shows but probably will never do a ghost hunt.  It's much more satisfying to use technology to respectfully carry on conversations with those who have passed on.  I mean, why would I want to talk to some dude who is stuck in an old hotel?  To prove that the ghost exists?  So what.  They exist.  They aren't able to leave the earth after death.  Helping them cross over is a noble cause, it's just not mine.

Don't expect good results if your don't prepare and aren't in a calm, relaxed, ready to communicate state. This is where I think people with any kind of psychic gift can excel at using the px/ovilus.  We know how to release everything, enter into a light trance state,  and clear the way.

NOTE:  I guess our friends on the other side read this blog, too.  After I finished this post I turned on the px and got:

PX: Cleansing Blog
        Mommy  and spirit factors learn sit silent. Guide happier.  Blessed All.

How soft at talking suffer spirit learn

I keep going back to this sentence. At first glance it seems like a nonsense sentence, but when you read it a couple times it becomes more clear.

How soft at talking suffer spirit learn

Perhaps they meant how hard at talking this way.Making us suffer by learning this new technology.  Or maybe even how EASY.

Either way, I'm grateful!

Then I thought maybe there is another significance to this phrase, so I put it in quotes and search on google for 'How soft at talking suffer spirit learn."  I was very interested in the results.  There was no exact match for the phrase but all of the references that came up were religious in nature.  Take a look yourself:

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Better, and Weirder Results this Time

Tonight I started out in dictionary mode.  Made two attempts a couple hours apart.

Attempt One: 
My adult son was in his room yelling about something sports related on the TV.

PX: Matt Yelling (Yes he was) I thought this was cool not only that he heard Matt yelling, but he or she knew Matt's name.

ME:  Yes he is
PX:  Old (maybe meaning he's getting old?)
PX:  Solitary letters (probably meaning he/she wanted to switch to phonetic mode)
PX: Change now
(I didn't switch over to phonetic mode.)
ME:  OK Who's here tonight?
PX:  Edward  (My paternal grandfather who has been contacting me since I was 5.)
PX: Six, alright- Howard (my dad) Robert (My grandfather's dad.)

I had to leave for a couple hours to do stuff,  When I came back I asked who was with me.
PX:  Holiday Light
PX:  Mommy (my mom) Blessed All
PX:  All ours.  Come it Paranormal
PX:  female
PX:  How soft at talking suffer spirit learn
PX:  realigned

It was quiet for a while Then it said
PX:  Battery 7, Operator in this level
ME:   May I speak to Don, Gary's Dad? I'll put this in phonetic mode now.

The PX then started making all kinds of old antique radio squawks, like 1920s radios did, up and down.  And several high frequency electric sounding noises, even though there is no radio component or even antennae on the thing.  I repeated my question and it said

PX:  Ray all alone. (Uncle Ray was Don's brother. In life they lived a couple houses from each other. If you were looking for either one of them you first looked at the other's house.)

I had to turn it off for a minute.  When I came back I started in phonetic mode.  The user on the other side went thru all the phenemes/sounds made in human speech, and seemed to be working hard at getting words made from these bits of speech.  Eventually it said:

PX:  Ready.  And it kept saying Ready over and over.  I gave up and decided I needed to go to bed.

No Results Today

Last night I asked for my son Ethan to come talk with me.  All I got was gibberish, except for the phrase "Blessed all Jesus."  Nobody wanted to talk.  I guess they are all busy having fun.

My parents weren't particularly religious, so that coming from them when they were alive would have been really unusual.  Perhaps it's a standard greeting in Heaven?  I don't know.

Has anyone else using the Ovilus or the PX encountered these phrases "Blessed all" or "Blessed all, Jesus?"

Monday, December 20, 2010

From My Mother

I wish I had a working microphone or batteries for my digital recorder right now!  Have to get me some.

Until then, you'll have to settle with my written copy of what was said.  In this particular case I asked to talk to my mother.  She died in 1981 at age 56 after fighting lung cancer for 4 long hard years.  Since my Dad introduced her to the PX a few days ago, I figured she might be approachable, and I was right.

Couple notes in advance: I have been watching video of other people using the ovilus or the px.
Adam is my second oldest child.  He is happily married and has two beautiful little boys.
Ross is another one of my sons. Gary is my husband.

PX on Dictionary /Word List Mode:

Random stream of words at first, while the user on the other side practises, then"

Play video, Amy. Enter video. (??Maybe she is telling me to record these and put them on youtube?)
Curious tale, Mommy, Gary
Holiday come it (the word coming is probably not in the list and Christmas is days away.)
Blessed all Jesus
Automatic current builds
Happier, relive problem: cigarette 
Mom died with enemy near (she never stopped smoking.)
See hear, not good.
Cemetery, three, many death,  (In the cemetery where Mom and Dad are buried is also the grave of my nephew. which would make three.)

Curious tale  (I think she's meaning "This is weird" or something like that.)
Adam later - Adam blessed
Karen suffer (Haven't figured out who Karen is yet.)
Mom says kiss ??moment?? for old times
Curious tale
Classic Moment - Blessed All
Women here. Automatic Direct Phone (Is she saying this is like an automatic direct phone?  It is)
Adam blessed.

Please keep in mind that the word list contains only single words, not phrases.

These are not a stream of random words.  For these words to be spoken in phrases that can be understood requires human (they are still  human on the other side) manipulation.  How difficult would it be for 100 monkeys to sit down at a typewriter and come up with "Curious tale" three times?

I do not believe that the names mentioned are on the word list.  This means that the spirit is using the energy to create words independently.

My Dad

My father died in 1997.  For the thirteen years prior to his death we had been estranged from each other.  One day a few years ago I was sitting at my computer and the kitchen phone line rang.  This was a phone number we didn't advertise an frankly, nobody ever used.

I picked the phone up and there was a little static and then a man's voice said "It's your father." and hung up. I used the phone code (can't remember what it is now- star 69?) and when I called that number back, the service reported that the number of that caller didn't exist.

In the early 2000s I started using EVPMaker and got extremely super results. (see Never conversational, but messages personalized with my name and and details.  I'd been using a digital recorder to gather EVP for years.  Even my 14 year old son got an EVP message from his late paternal grandfather.

I also dabble in Reverse Speech, which I consider one of the coolest scientific discoveries of the last century.

Today I still do some psychic reading, with considerable accuracy.  My goal is not ghost hunting, but communication. I do like a good ghost hunt, though, but only if the hunters also work toward releasing the lost soul back to heaven/the other side.  I don't believe in demons, other than dead folks who think they are so evil they are demons.  In any case, I don't deal with them at all.

Several years ago my brother told me that our dad had been involved in trying to contact the other side.  I never knew that.  No wonder he was able to call me on a phone. And no wonder I can contact him using technology that is available today.

Recently I purchased an electronic tool called the PX. It's a combo of the Ovilus and the Paranormal Puck.  I LOVE this tool.  I've put up this blog to post the results of each day's attempt at communication.

1.  I turned on the PX and asked if my dad was present and I got "Yes, Believe"
I asked "Is Mommy there?" (Even when I was 35 she was still Mommy to me.)

There was a time lapse or about a minute, which I'm thinking was probably Dad going to find her. And then it said "She weeps." And then after a minute or so it said "Loving Mommy."

From this point on I knew this was genuine.  The PX has two modes: 1. Dictionary Mode- it has a 2000 word list that the spirit can manipulate to say what it wants.  It does this by sensing EMF frequencies and assigning each number to a word.  2000 words isn't comprehensive of course, so some of the phrases and sentences seem weird.  Like the word "crying" doesn't exist, so Dad used "She weeps" instead of "She is crying."

You can switch to the phonetic mode as well.  It takes a spirit a bit of practice to get used to it, but using the long list of human speech allophones, they can construct exactly the words they want to say.  A bit more complicated that the single words.

What has surprised me is that after the spirit gets used to using the dictionary/wordlist mode, it can ALSO make the PX say words that are NOT in the dictionary, like personal names.

So I hereby dedicate this blog to the Parnormal PX/Ovilus